
December 31, 2010

2010: Year in review

I imagine a lot of you are reflecting on 2010, maybe evaluating how well you followed through on those resolutions or remembering the best--and worst--events of the year.  Here is a brief summary of what 2010 looked like for me (not including anything very important at all):

Number of surfaces requiring unusual cleanup: 20
Between the dog and the preschooler, I at one point had to figure out how to remove various stains or other damage from these surfaces: carpet, walls, trim, wool rug, windows, light fixture, ceiling, dining table, cabinets, doors, TV, bath vanity, makeup, curtains, comforter, duvet cover and pillow cases, throw pillow, coffee table, throw, and car upholstery.

{Title: "Shark with Long Tail"  Medium: Black felt-tip pen on white linen pillowcase}

Items purchased most often:
paper towels (for cleaning up after the boys...see above), foam brushes, laundry detergent, coffee (whole bean and in the form of tall americanos), nutella, skim milk, bananas

Wildlife spotted in our neighborhood:
blue herons, Canadian geese, mallard ducks, beavers, pheasants, white-tailed deer, hawks, owl, lots of bunnies, bullfrogs, coyote

{Beaver lodge in a pond near our house}

Most watched TV episode (according to iTunes):
"A Close Shave" (Wallace & Gromit)
Watch a clip HERE.

Most listened to song:
"Say Hey (I Love You)" by Michael Franti & Spearhead

We did dance to this a lot this year, 140 times, apparently, if iTunes is to be believed.

Trips to the zoo: 9+
Thanks for the zoo pass, Sarah, Damon, Elaine, and Liz -- we love it!

What was the best part of 2010 for you?

1 comment:

  1. Love the Austen quote. Julia has gotten good at getting stains off and out as well. Julian drew on their flat screen TV with a permanent marker and she got it off. Things will really be hopping at her house with 3 little ones under 4. Oh my! Hope you and your family have a wonderful new year. Lori Chancellor
