
December 24, 2010

Crazy Christmas lights

I wish I could do over-the-top Christmas lights, but I am too lazy and too stuck on my little white lights.  I don't own any colored lights, even though I like them (especially the big bulbs that look a little retro).  When it comes to outdoor Christmas decorations, our house is pretty boring--a wreath, some lights in the windows--but I do appreciate those people who are willing to spend days tacking up strings of lights and staking plastic candy canes along their sidewalks, and who surely pay a gigantic electric bill in January.

Every year our family takes a little tour of the city lights.  We always start off at Starbucks and then, crammed into the car, warm drink in hand, and Christmas music on the radio, we drive slowly around town, annoying other drivers who have more important things to do.

Here are some of the best lights we saw this year:

{Two huge nutcracker sentries, a snowman, a nativity scene, and assorted illuminated holiday symbols}

{A gingerbread house look-alike}

{Pretty little white house with white lights}

{I love this one with all the claymation characters from those '50s and '60s Christmas specials}

A fun Christmas book that describes one father's efforts to outdo the neighbors in Christmas decorations is The Amazing Christmas Extravaganza, by David Shannon.  You can find used copies of the paperback and hardcover here or buy it through Scholastic.

The Amazing Christmas Extravaganza tells the story of Mr. Merriweather, who feels that his usual string of white lights and wreath simply aren't good enough, so he proceeds to add more and more decorations, until the whole neighborhood--and his family--begin to get upset.  The illustrations are great: vivid and detailed.

In our light tour this year, the house that most closely resembled the excess of the Merriweathers' home was this one:

Another view of the same house:
{My favorite part is the reindeer on the roof.  They are not pulling a sleigh; they are just mechanized to look like they are grazing, eating snow off the roof, apparently.}

And just because I know quite a few readers are also Kansas Jayhawks fans, here is a Rock Chalk light show for you:

Have a Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. hi nicole, i must have missed this entry. now it's one of my favorites.
