
December 20, 2010

Five days till Christmas...

This is what my house looks like this week.  The tree is decorated, the stockings are up, the presents are wrapped, and the dog is curled up in front of the fire.  I really wish I could join him.  All I want to do is sit on the couch, mug of apple cider in hand, and spend a few minutes looking at the snow outside, maybe listening to some Christmas carols, just thinking about Christmas.

Instead, I will be working.  I have editing to do, classes to plan, errands to run, and a little bit of shopping to do yet.  But I still love this week because Christmas is almost here, but it's not here yet, and it's not over.  To me, looking forward expectantly is the best part of the holiday season.  Right now there remain doors to open in the Advent calendar, puzzlement over that one oddly-heavy present, the excitement of the kids as they count down the days, and the promise of a warm home and welcome hugs from family and friends at the end of our travels.  So even though I am busy this week -- and you probably are too -- I am going to do my best to sit down each day, reflect on the year that is almost done, enjoy the anticipation of Christmas, and, most of all, consider the miracle of the incarnation -- deity come to dwell in the fragile body of an infant and to grow up, celebrate holy days with His family just like we do at Christmas, but die a remarkable and singular death for our sake.

Wishing you a week of Merry Christmas!



  1. Very nice post, Nicole. And nice blog. I will keep reading it (the reminders on FB help). I am ending my blog at the end of the year. I've done it for 3 years now and am out of things to say.
    Much love to you and all the Cs this Christmas.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love the last sentence of this post. It brought tears to my eyes to think of Jesus as human as me, and yet come to "die a remarkable and singular death" for my sake. Unbelievable. Thank you for putting that in a beautiful way that made me see it afresh tonight.
