
January 26, 2011

Costume jewelry money clip

After putting together yesterday's post on the broach bouquet, I started thinking of other ways that I could use vintage jewelry pieces (besides wearing them, of course, which I am very happy to do!).  One idea that immediately came to mind was to create a feminine money clip.  Most money clips are definitely for men -- dark, serious leather or maybe polished chrome engraved with their initials.  But ladies need money clips too!  Many times I just want to dash into a store and don't want to take my whole purse.  I could bring just my wallet, but even that doesn't fit in my pocket.

My first stop for this project was my favorite flea market, where I dug through a few bins of costume jewelry.  I found a couple pairs of clip-on earrings that looked promising, then ordered a matching money clip online.

Before getting to work, I washed both sets of earrings well, letting them soak in soapy water for a while, then using a soft toothbrush to remove any dust or grime.

All of a sudden the once dingy costume jewelry looked really pretty and shiny!!

Next, I decided on which pair of earrings to use and removed the clip-on section with some wire cutters.  (Be sure that whatever broach or earring you choose will lie flat on the money clip.)

After that I simply used some hot glue to attach the jewelry to the clip.

The final result: a glittery, gold, girly money clip.

Perfect for carrying around a little cash or my coffee cards.

And the best part?  It fits in my pocket!

Too bad I don't also have room in my pocket for my lip gloss, my son's sippy cup, my husband's cell phone, my cell phone (because it's the one with all the important numbers in it), enough gum for everyone, two sets of car keys.......


  1. This is exactly the reason why I thought that you should have a blog. Your creativity is a marvel.

  2. Thanks, Kara! You're so kind. And I can't wait to see your "new" living room tomorrow!
