
January 28, 2011

Happy decorating

Apparently this is the bleakest time of the year.  I've seen lots of headlines about different days being calculated as the "saddest day of the year" or "the most depressing day."  A psychologist at the University of Cardiff even came up with this formula:

[W + (D-d)] x TQ   
M x NA

The seven variables are (W) weather, (D) debt, (d) monthly salary, (T) time since Christmas, (Q) time since failed quit attempt, (M) low motivational levels and (NA) the need to take action.

Thank you, Dr. Cliff Arnall, for quantifying what January feels like.
To be honest, opening up the catalogs this time of year doesn't help much.  For example:

Restoration Hardware - nothing says "cheerful" like animal skulls and books with the covers ripped off

This foyer typifies the "Belgian" decorating look that you have probably seen in magazines and catalogs the past few months.  I think the whole Belgian look is fine if you really like it, but I need a little more color in my life.  After all, the real Belgium looks like this:

Not quite the image to lift my spirits midwinter.
Well, here are a few images of happy houses to brighten up the January blahs.  Enjoy!


Have a great weekend!

Credits: Kay Douglas (House Beautiful), Jonathan Berger, LA Idea Home, Caitlin Creer, Celerie Kemble, Lindsey Harper, Traditional Home, Southern Accents, Jonathan Adler

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