
February 1, 2011

Master bedroom sneak peek

I am doing my best to keep moving along on my home improvement projects for 2011.  Top of the list (and closest to completion) is our master bedroom redo.

I need to add some accessories and do a little more sewing, but it is almost finished.  I will post pictures and details soon, but in the meantime, here's a little sneak peek.

The colors in the parrot print pretty much sum up the new palette: black, white, red, aqua, and touches of green.  I am also going for a mix between a traditional and eclectic feel.

And just in case you're wondering about sources, pretty much everything shown in the photo above is vintage, except the mirror (a good deal from Target).

Here are some sketches I did of the room:

Don't judge -- I was just doodling so they are not great drawings, I know!!  :)  At least you can kind of get the overall vision.  I make lots of these little sketches so I can get the pictures out of my head and onto some paper.  It helps me to see it drawn out so I can begin to identify where something is missing.  Sometimes I color them in with colored pencils if I have the time.

Have a great day!

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