
April 11, 2011

Five reasons why I had a good weekend

1. Co-hosted a swap party and got to get rid of some old stuff, get fun new stuff, and hang out with friends

2. New bath soap from Lush (I used "Bohemian" this weekend, and it smells great!)

3. Indian takeout from our favorite local place.  My usual order: Mix Pakora, Navrttan Korma, and Gohbi Parantha.  Yum...

4. Warm weather!  We got outside to do a tiny bit of yard work, then went on some long walks and bike rides

5. Upstairs Downstairs on Masterpiece last night.  I'm not sure I like it quite as much as Downton Abbey, but it was very good, and I loved the house at 165 Eaton Place.  If you missed it you can watch the first episode here.

Hope you had a fun weekend too!  Now back to work...

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