
June 7, 2011

Colorful summer baskets

Veta Vera grass and leather baskets ($39-$59)

Now that summer is here (and the hot weather to go with it), it's officially picnic season!  We like to carry some lunch or dinner down to our neighborhood park for an impromptu picnic.  During the day, if it's really warm outside, James and I have indoors picnics.  We just spread a throw on the breakfast room floor and he preps lunch (usually, bananas and cheese and crackers).  We drink water out of swirly straws and it's just about as much fun as an outdoor picnic!  Actually, our family tends to picnic indoors year round, not just during summer.  During the winter we light a fire and spread a cloth over the coffee table and eat dinner sitting on the floor in the living room.

But back to the point of this post...these colorful baskets sold by Napa Style.  There are three different sizes, and I think they would make for great picnic baskets.  They just look so fun with the bright colors of dyed grass, and I like the leather-wrapped handles.  Plus, each one is unique since they are products of a Ghana fair trade cooperative.  Check them out here.

Obviously they'd be good at holding reading materials, baby toys, crafting supplies, or countless other items too.  But what a fun picnic basket!  Mmm, that's making me hungry for crackers and cheese...

Update: I just happened to find these locally!  Check out Fair World Gallery on 5th Street in Valley Junction.


  1. I have a really cool similar basket that I got at the downtown Farmers market last summer. It was made by African women. Lance told me it was a scam. Whatever, I still love my basket.

  2. Kara, I didn't know they sold these at the farmers' market. I think they're great. Tell Lance they're not a scam! :)
