
March 26, 2012

Happy spring

James took this picture of a robin the other day.  He is very excited that the birds are back (not that they left for long given our mild winter), and he's been throwing open our breakfast room windows and yelling out into the backyard, "Hello, robins!"

I stopped by my office one evening during spring break last week and was surprised to see that the bare limbs and brown grass outside our building had turned into this lovely sight:

And then I was browsing in Pottery Barn Kids and came across these children's classics in very season-appropriate colors.

Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden, Robin Hood, and Peter Pan are all part of the Puffin Classic series (see all eight hardcovers here).  I love the cover art.  Here's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:

Wouldn't these be fun gifts for your favorite young reader (or for yourself, to remember all those classics of childhood)?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...that view from your office is stunning! And those book covers have got to be the most gorgeous book covers I've ever seen...I think I know what I'm getting Eva for her birthday!
