
August 22, 2012

Vintage domino set

 We're not much of a board game family.  On the rare occasion that we do pull out a game, we usually discover that key pieces are missing, which leads to rummaging through the basement or cabinets, only to come up empty handed but with a brilliant idea: "Hey, let's not play a game right now!"  But knowing that fall is coming soon and that we won't always be able to go out in the afternoon or evening for a walk instead of staying inside to play a game, we're trying to get better at playing some indoor games.

So when I found this set of vintage dominoes at a flea market lately, I thought perhaps it would help us in our resolve.  James likes them because he can stack them like blocks or stand them on their ends before knocking them over, and I like them because they look nice sitting on the coffee table and because they seem vaguely educational (math skills, perhaps?).

The different carvings on the backs are really fun

 Vintage games are pretty common at flea markets and such, although they are sometimes better for collecting or displaying rather than actually playing (due to missing pieces or deteriorating condition).  However, I think these dominoes will get used a lot.

What games do you recommend?  The only one we really like is Trivial Pursuit, and we have a chess board out too, but I know that we need to try new games.

1 comment:

  1. ¡Buenas tardes!, resulta que yo tengo en mi casa un set de dominó infantil que tiene los puntos coloreados... Las fichas son de madera, están pintadas en negro y por el reverso de cada ficha tiene un león tallado en relieve, el león se parece al león de las estatuas de San Marcos de León. Los números o puntos de las fichas vienen de la siguiente manera: El 6 está pintado en color rojo, el 5 está en amarillo, el cuatro viene en verde, el tres en azul claro, el dos en color anaranjado y el uno en blanco. A mi juego de dominó solo le falta una pieza, el 3:2; las demas fichas están en perfecto estado de conservación. Mi pregunta es: ¿De qué marca comercial es este set de dominó con estás características que he descrito?.... ¡¡Gracias!!.
