
May 29, 2013

Spring photos

The weather this spring has been even more unpredictable than usual. We've been breaking records for heat, cold, and snow, and when I checked the weather app on my phone yesterday, I had seven "severe weather" alerts. Seven!

Nevertheless, there have been many pretty things popping up outside over the last couple months:

New bedding plants at the garden center

 Snow threatened to defeat the new little buds on my dogwoods, but they survived!

 The view out my office window ON THE LAST DAY OF FINALS in May!!

 More strange weather: sun and rain at the same time. The lawn has been responding very well to this combination!

I'm looking forward to a dry weekend so we can finally get into the yard and finish up a few projects. I have some lattice to put up, a deck to repaint, and an arbor that needs to be set in concrete--I've never done that before, but hopefully it won't be too difficult!

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